Oh, you thought the story of one of 2013’s best anime was over? Boy, were you wrong.
Gun Done: Who is Awesome - a Duel Arcade game in Push-A-Couple-Of-Buttons-To-Win genre, in which a man fights his Fate.
Oh, you thought the story of one of 2013’s best anime was over? Boy, were you wrong.
Hoo-boy, have you guys done some insane things in the name of gaming! I asked you guys to share some stories of the…
Earlier this week, I asked you guys to share your most memorable video game victories. The only thing more…
It's the weekend. Many of you will be playing Bloodborne. Some of you will be drinking. Why not combine the two?
Sony's first handheld gaming system has been replaced by a younger, shinier model. Maybe you've waited this whole…
I peer through my night vision goggles. The hall ahead seems clear. "Evan, you good?" Standing to my left, my…
I think Half-Life is one of the greatest video games of all time, which isn't a controversial opinion. Valve's…
Blizzard's Overwatch is, in the grand scheme of shooters, kinda simple. Each character has one weapon, levels are…
"I started this game collecting trash," my character quipped late in Sunset Overdrive, "and now I'm collecting trash…