With due respect to your backlog, it’s OK to ignore it for one more weekend. Earlier this week, as part of Xbox’s…
With due respect to your backlog, it’s OK to ignore it for one more weekend. Earlier this week, as part of Xbox’s…
It is time once again for an annual Kotaku Splitscreen tradition: going through EVERY VIDEO GAME OF THE YEAR.
Gunstar Heroes is side-scrolling shooting sublimated, chaos synchronized into a bullet symphony that makes the game…
To what lengths do you go to introduce the return of one of your biggest franchises? If it’s for God of War, you…
Gravity Rush 2 is out today on PS4. I had mixed feelings about the game in general, but I do like a lot of things…
Despite its infuriating control issues, awful stealth missions, interminable boss fights and half-baked sidequests,…
The worlds of gaming and animation have been living in harmony for over 30 years. There have been plenty of shows…
I was two years late to the PlayStation 4 party. It’s always hard for me to justify buying a new console, especially…