ReviewsGravity Rush 2: The Kotaku ReviewDespite its infuriating control issues, awful stealth missions, interminable boss fights and half-baked sidequests, I cannot discount Gravity Rush 2’s mammoth ambition and abundance of otherworldly charm. If a game must be a mess, at least let it be…Kirk Hamilton
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Game TipsGame TipsHow To Quickly Level-Up Halo Infinite’s Battle Pass343 may have sped up the battle pass, but level 100 is still far awayByAri NotisPublishedDecember 9, 2021
ReportReportHalo Infinite Is Harder Than You’d Expect, And That's By DesignSave the Heroic and Legendary difficulties for next year’s co-op modeByAri NotisPublishedDecember 8, 2021
Game TipsGame Tips27 Things I Wish I Knew Before Starting Halo Infinite’s CampaignThe best tips, tricks, guns, and secrets for 343’s big new shooterByAri NotisPublishedDecember 8, 2021
AnimeAnimeAttack on Titan Director's Netflix Anime Looks Like A Post-Apocalyptic Mirror's EdgeA flooded Japan filled with mysterious bubbles serves as the ultimate parkour playgroundByMike FaheyPublishedDecember 7, 2021
CultureOdds and EndsCultureOdds and EndsHalo Infinite's Ridiculous Physics Are Just Like The Old Games343’s shooter isn’t even out yet, and streamers are already cracking BotW-style exploitsByAri NotisPublishedDecember 6, 2021
ReviewsMultiplatformReviewsMultiplatformHalo Infinite: The Kotaku ReviewMaster Chief’s latest is somehow both a return to form and a revelatory evolution for 343 IndustriesByAri NotisPublishedDecember 6, 2021
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CultureFeatureCultureFeatureHow The Celeste Speedrunning Community Became Queer As HellWith its refined design and story of self-acceptance, Maddy Thorson's acclaimed platformer has resonated with many…ByJeremy SignorPublishedNovember 30, 2021