The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion was famous for two things: wide open spaces and ugly people. Looks like the upcoming…
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion was famous for two things: wide open spaces and ugly people. Looks like the upcoming…
The whole drama surrounding whistle-blower organisation WikiLeaks has made for the juiciest political story in…
In two weeks, World of Warcraft gains Goblin, Worgen, and a healthy dose of high-end content, but first the world…
Gamescom represented my first chance to go hands on with Fable III for the Xbox 360, a game that's more action…
As weird and scary as it sounds, there may be a time when you'll be able to blame your server going down on the…
The Matrix Punchograph in World of Warcraft's Gnomeregan has been spitting out pro-WoW propaganda for years, right…
Blizzard has posted pictures of the Arena Season 8 armor for World of Warcraft, showing off what the fashionable…
This week in Speak-Up on Kotaku, our readers question the use of the word "campaign", ponder BioWare's 404 error,…
One of the advantages of digital distribution is that you'll never run into a sold out sign - or so we thought.…
Eleven new titles make their debut across WiiWare, DSiWare, and the Virtual Console this week, with performances by …