The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion was famous for two things: wide open spaces and ugly people. Looks like the upcoming…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Gnomes
Deploy your gnomes, tend to your garden and prepare your defenses. Every day the map expands further into goblin territory, revealing new threats and resources. Earn gold, invest wisely and carefully combine your upgrades. Survive long enough and face the goblin king. No two runs are the same.
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion was famous for two things: wide open spaces and ugly people. Looks like the upcoming…
The whole drama surrounding whistle-blower organisation WikiLeaks has made for the juiciest political story in…
In two weeks, World of Warcraft gains Goblin, Worgen, and a healthy dose of high-end content, but first the world…
Gamescom represented my first chance to go hands on with Fable III for the Xbox 360, a game that's more action…
As weird and scary as it sounds, there may be a time when you'll be able to blame your server going down on the…
The Matrix Punchograph in World of Warcraft's Gnomeregan has been spitting out pro-WoW propaganda for years, right…
Blizzard has posted pictures of the Arena Season 8 armor for World of Warcraft, showing off what the fashionable…
This week in Speak-Up on Kotaku, our readers question the use of the word "campaign", ponder BioWare's 404 error,…
One of the advantages of digital distribution is that you'll never run into a sold out sign - or so we thought.…
Eleven new titles make their debut across WiiWare, DSiWare, and the Virtual Console this week, with performances by …