The capes. The gadgets. The weird interpersonal relationships. The goats. Superheroes are straight-up absurd when…
The capes. The gadgets. The weird interpersonal relationships. The goats. Superheroes are straight-up absurd when…
I had never heard of Lethal League before reading about it in this NeoGAF thread, but apparently the…
For lo, we did climb to the top of Video Game Mountain. We spoke with the burning GameCube, and we did return with Th…
Senran Kagura Shinovi Versus is bringing its jiggly ninja to the PS Vita. The 3DS game is getting an upcoming PS…
Valeria Lukyanova is the self-proclaimed "most famous woman on the Russian-language internet". The 21 year-old…
Like many folks, I've got a complicated relationship with pre-game splash screens. On the one hand, I like that…
Ever Wednesday there are new comics in comics shops and available for (legitimate) download. But there aren't new…
New in StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm is the option to choose a "Battle Focus" for Kerrigan, the hero character of…
The game I most wish I was playing right now is Brink. I played it a week ago. It delivered on an unusual promise.
And a guy in a lucha libre mask with dong arms. And if you answer a question incorrectly in a flash game put…