I've taken head butts and held on through jaw-cracking, brain-rattling missiles; I've fought against runners and…
An isometric dungeon crawler-Beat 'em up where you are are a superhuman created by Nazis, trying to escape a a bunker by beating up Nazis and stealing their gold. The game was created by by Oxeye game studio during the "Humble Bundle Mojam" event.
I've taken head butts and held on through jaw-cracking, brain-rattling missiles; I've fought against runners and…
I've lived in Japan for a long time. When I first came here, I liked living here. Now, I don't. I haven't changed.…
Final Fight: Double Impact Screens
Comment by: BryanH
Nominated by: Showmeyomoves!
Not many great things are remembered from the 2008 E3 press conference, but, we've learned, when Jack Tretton…
This week's PAL store update looks a lot like the North American one, except for one key difference. It's got Worms.
Got a North American PlayStation 3 account? Then you can get Rag Doll Kung Fu: Fists of Plastic and Flock, as of…
And again, the PAL PlayStation Store ends up with some interesting PlayStation 1 content. This week? A re-release of…
That odor we're smelling? Crispy zombie flesh as Burn Zombie Burn shambles its way to the North American PlayStation…