Pokémon’s new competitive rule-set goes live in January 2018, meaning that players everywhere are devising…
Survive Fire Rock! The treasures within are hard to obtain, but you are the brave warrior sent to defeat the monsters.
Pokémon’s new competitive rule-set goes live in January 2018, meaning that players everywhere are devising…
Battlefield 1 continues the franchise’s tradition of launching in a somewhat patchy state, only to be bolstered…
Sonic Forces is a fever dream of fan-fiction that is awkward to play but still manages to be trashy fun.
Playing Fire Emblem Warriors feels a bit like herding a pack of ravenous lions. Countless enemies clash against…
Rodents roar across the plains. Ferrets launch mortars into farms. In the distance, cobras slither closer, ready to…
Titles like Puyo Puyo Tetris and Street Fighter X Tekken prove that bringing two successful franchises together can…
If you’ve never played XCOM 2, here’s my advice: Skip the vanilla version and start by playing the new expansion, War…
Uncharted: The Lost Legacy is an easy video game to like in spite of its flaws. It’s buoyed by a winning cast of…
Day one of the Pokémon World Championships was a bloodbath where more than 100 of the world’s best players duked it…
When I last check on my slime farm, the rock slimes had mated with my tabby cat slimes to make giant rock cats. The…