The hit DC animated series is set to return to its chaotic ways in January
The hit DC animated series is set to return to its chaotic ways in January
The Spiritborn class, Realmwalkers, and more arrive this month
The RPG’s seventh big patch launched on PC last month, and is finally coming to other platforms
Patch 7 brings expanded endings for the darkest choices you can make in the RPG
Life Is Strange: Double Exposure and Rita's Rewind are just a few games you might want to keep on your radar
Highlights include visual options for color-blind people and hireling customization
The open beta to Blizzard’s loot-grinding RPG has ended, and we discuss some of our fave aspects of the game
Read on for the best games, shows, and comics to check out as you enjoy season three
From Red and Blue’s simplicity to Scarlet and Violet’s endgame, here’s the best and worst aspect of each Pokémon game
Fans are perplexed at how Qiqi could be the most jacked character in the game