We're in the second week of a YouTube copyright enforcement crackdown whose most visible effects have been on the…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Eat Me Alive
In dependency of where in the body you are positioned, you get different bonuses. In general you will get Bone, Blood and Tissue with which you can create more bugs. In addition to that you will be able to research different bug types which have bonuses themself.
We're in the second week of a YouTube copyright enforcement crackdown whose most visible effects have been on the…
Dragons—oh, I've killed dragons. Lots of dragons. I've collected dragon scales, I've made weapons out of dragon…
Like many of the millions of Americans who got Grand Theft Auto V on or soon after its Sept. 17 release, I spent…
Here's what I like to imagine. Game Freak shipped Black and White 2, and production then started for a new Pokemon ga…
You cannot deny your Destiny. Join me, and we can buy a majority stake in the galaxy together.
Top o' the weekend to you, Kotaku! I'm Dan Crabtree, and I'll be filling in for Owen for the next two days as your…
Dunwall is a hard city full of hard people—a plague-rotted concrete prison inhabited by exhausted souls who…
Most video games, it's safe to say, revolve around fighting: whether you're a soldier shooting up terrorists or a…
For the past three weeks, Tomodachi Collection: New Life has been the best-selling game in Japan—and in its first…
I want to tell you that Skulls of the Shogun is excellent.