All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Dynasty Warriors
Dynasty Warriors is a 3D fighting game steeped in traditional Chinese history and mythology, its characters being warriors from the Three Kingdoms era, a setting that was used by Koei before in their Romance of the Three Kingdoms series.
On December 17, the PS Vita will go on sale in Japan. When it does, it will have a whole host of titles to support…
This week's North American PlayStation Store update is here, dropping an eclectic mix of downloadable games that…
At the 3DS Conference, Nintendo showed 28 games. Some of them were Nintendo titles. Some of them were not.
When the extra Nintendo 3DS circle pad was revealed, it was shown alongside Monster Hunter 3 G. That's not the whole…
We're in the eye of the storm as far as cosplay goes for 2011. We've just come off a hectic past few weeks with Games…
This week's North American PlayStation Store update is live, an update that might convince you to dust off that copy…
Late last month, a countdown clock appeared, teasing a collaboration between Tecmo Koei and Namco Bandai.
It's a big week for the North American PlayStation Store, with an impressive collection of new downloadable games…
I just hope it's not a merger: Namco Bandai Tecmo Koei Games is way too long. NBTK will work though! (This is…
Last weekend, cosplayers from around the world flocked to the Wold Cosplay Summit. This is more than simply the…