New Super Mario Bros. U is the second-best 2D Mario game. New Super Luigi U is an incredible showcase of inventive…
On the moonlit eve of his coronation ceremony, pensive Prince Myer sits at the lakeside to ponder the future of the kingdom. Suddenly, a shadowy kami called Khan rises from the lake and coalesces into the form of a man. Although he doesn't identify himself, the figure greets Prince Myer by name, and informs him that the wizard Rubas, the "Devil of Darkness", is preparing to overtake Willner Kingdom by using seven magic bells capable of
New Super Mario Bros. U is the second-best 2D Mario game. New Super Luigi U is an incredible showcase of inventive…
Valkyria Chronicles 4 is a game of extremes. Its romantic attitude towards soldiers clashes with a desire to tell a…
When players aren’t caught up in solving random crimes, performing optional missions or basking in the sheer joy of…
Far Cry 5 is a big game with lots to do. It’s more open than its predecessors, so at any moment, you have a lot of…
They Are Billions is an Early Access PC strategy game about trying to build a city while fighting off hordes of…
"I'm very new to this," I typed, "just to warn y'all." A second later, someone responded: "You're a smurf, aren't…
It's taken Mortal Kombat X to show me how much I've changed since 1992.
"Say a Homo sapiens-specific virus – natural or diabolically nano-engineered – picks us off but leaves everything…
Newcomers to Far Cry 4: greetings! I hope you're enjoying your time in Kyrat so far. It's a pretty dangerous place…
Titanfall is a lot of fun, but there's no denying that it feels a little… thin. The game's exclusive focus on…