CultureCultureSerious Sam 4 Devs Dropped 'Planet Badass' Subtitle Because It Wouldn’t Make Sense In Other LanguagesThe latest installment of the tongue-in-cheek Serious Sam franchise was first announced in 2018. While the game was…ByIan WalkerPublishedSeptember 3, 2020
CultureCultureHere's The Not-E3 2020 Press Conference ScheduleJust because E3 2020 is canceled doesn’t mean everything developers were going to show there has suddenly…ByEthan GachPublishedSeptember 2, 2020
CultureTwitchCultureTwitchThe Twitch Viewers Who Dedicate Their Days To Trolling The Army And NavySam is a 20 year-old college student who says he felt deceived by military recruitment efforts at his own high…ByNathan GraysonPublishedSeptember 1, 2020
CultureCultureI Asked Cat Behavior Experts Why My Cat Is Obsessed With My Ridiculous Gamer ChairLast month I received a package that changed my life forever. I knew immediately what was inside, perhaps on account…ByNathan GraysonPublishedAugust 13, 2020
CultureCultureFall Guys Has A Hacker Problem, But Developers Are Starting To Issue BansThe struggle against hackers is never-ending even for mega-studios like Epic, Valve, Blizzard, and Riot, so when Fall…ByNathan GraysonPublishedAugust 11, 2020
CultureTwitchCultureTwitchTeacher Raises $16,000 On Twitch To Wipe Out School's Lunch DebtIt is, to still somehow understate things, an incredibly difficult time to be a teacher. Around the country, many…ByNathan GraysonPublishedJuly 28, 2020
CultureCultureFrom Bejeweled To Plants Vs Zombies: How PopCap Got Just About Everyone To Play Their GamesThere is a very good chance you’ve played a PopCap game. More extraordinary, there’s a very good chance everyone you…ByJohn WalkerPublishedJuly 10, 2020
CultureCultureHow An Accountant Earned 132,000 Gamerscore In One MonthIt reads like a typo. “Gamerscore Leaderboard. Rank One With +132,000 This Month.” Surely, there must be some…ByLuke WinkiePublishedJuly 6, 2020
CultureTwitchCultureTwitchA Wave Of Sexual Abuse Stories Is Causing A Reckoning In The Twitch Streaming WorldOver the weekend, a trickle of sexual harassment stories surrounding influential figures in the streaming world grew…ByNathan GraysonPublishedJune 24, 2020
CultureCultureRacist Spam Bots Are Running Rampant In Team Fortress 2If you hop into a Team Fortress 2 match right now, there’s a good chance that you’ll be greeted by some very…ByNathan GraysonPublishedJune 10, 2020