PAX West was a wailing stampede of video games large and small. It’s impossible for a single person to play…
Creatures Family was a new game in the Creatures series to be developed by Spil Games. It was intended to be the successor to Creatures Online as a free-to-play mobile game targeting an audience of 20+ years old. Fans were directed to the Creatures Online Facebook Page for future announcements. At some point prior to August 2019 the game was quietly cancelled due to "technical reasons".
PAX West was a wailing stampede of video games large and small. It’s impossible for a single person to play…
Beasts of Balance is a game of balancing skills featuring stylized plastic animals and icons. It’s also a colorful…
Despite rumors that a mainline Pokémon game would appear on the Nintendo Switch, developers Game Freak only…
Of the 100 billion games on Steam, one for every star in the sky, which are the absolute cream of the crop? Which…
For large portions of Everything, I wasn’t sure how to feel. By the end of it, I cried. A lot.
At last weekend’s PAX East, Kotaku’s Patricia Hernandez and I had the chance to check out a ton of games in…
Horror games are a difficult thing to get right. They can feel like carnival attractions, full of overblown scares,…
I’ve been sneaking and shooting my way through Resident Evil 7 for the last day and loving it. It’s a big breath of…
On a particularly hot day last summer, Imgur poster Joelalmeidaptg was walking down the street playing Pokémon Go…
2016 was a fine year for gaming at launch, but over the course of the past 12 months various updates and bug fixes…