Toward the end of my time with pirate RPG Pillars of Eternity II, one of my crew members, foul-mouthed furball…
Go on an unforgettable journey for treasure! Waiting for you chests stuffed with gold.
Toward the end of my time with pirate RPG Pillars of Eternity II, one of my crew members, foul-mouthed furball…
Sea of Thieves is off to a rocky start; it’s a cool game but feels a bit like a beta. Developer Rare has been trying…
Designing a game that manages to be both tough and fun is a difficult task, but Cuphead designers Chad and Jared…
Things tend to slow down in the cold, and Hearthstone is no exception. After the recent Knights of the Frozen Throne…
After stirring up loads of controversy, Hearthstone’s much-maligned “Quest Rogue” deck is finally getting nerfed.…
In a world where we can actually play Duke Nukem Forever and The Last Guardian, we will soon be able to play the…
Between my keyboard-centric posts here on Kotaku and my Twitter feed, I’ve been posting a lot of pictures of very…
The biggest English-language hentai manga publisher, Fakku, just celebrated its 10-year anniversary last December.…
Raccoon the grizzled Outlaw Rogue stands in demon-besieged Dalaran, moments before Azeroth’s greatest mages pull off…
RimWorld is a phenomenal little game capable of generating stories equal parts hilarious and fucked up. The sci-fi…