A venue-wide ban on a modernized Super Smash Bros. controller at a major tournament last weekend has re-heated the…
3D smashing sim with a tiny buggy
A venue-wide ban on a modernized Super Smash Bros. controller at a major tournament last weekend has re-heated the…
Arms may look like a Mario Party mini-game, but it doesn’t play like one. Charming and involved, Arms toes the line…
The Super Smash Bros. series began on the Nintendo 64, and Daniel “SuPeRbOoMfAn” Hoyt is one of the greatest to…
Alex McCabe isn’t the kind of person who usually gets profiled on a video game website. He doesn’t make games,…
Crash mode was a divisive addition to Burnout, and you either loved it or hated it. Personally, it’s what really…
Matt Hall is, by almost every definition of the word, ‘successful’. 50 million downloads and $10 million later, Cross…
Confession: despite being mostly a PC guy, I adore Super Smash Bros. Now my lack of a Nintendo console isn’t much of…
Rare games meant a lot to the people who played them, so a collection of 30 of (most) of their best works should…
It’s not easy to collect Amiibo—it’s a pain in the ass, really. But maybe things are changing, as Best Buy announced…
Amongst the panoply of Super Smash Bros. characters, Captain Olimar is often considered one of the most peculiar…