With it's co-op shooting, Bullet Bros initially looks like Contra, or Gunstar Heroes, or any other retro game where…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Contra
Contra (also known as Gryzor in Oceania and Europe), is a 1987 run and gun action game developed and published by Konami originally released as a coin-operated arcade game on February 20, 1987. The game had multiple ports, including for various computer formats. Several Contra sequels were produced following the original game.
With it's co-op shooting, Bullet Bros initially looks like Contra, or Gunstar Heroes, or any other retro game where…
My go-to expo question when speaking to a developer, particularly and independent games developer, is "What itch…
I don't know about you, but if I had the chance to play a Borderlands game that looked like this conceptual piece by …
"What if the classic arcade game Contra had been made into a live action movie back in the 1980s?" asked action-figure maker Mint Condition Customs. Interesting question, since Konami practically built the game with spare parts from 1980s action flicks. These custom figs are still outstanding. [via MTV Multiplayer]
Veteran gamer EquinnoxX documented how he modified an old Contra cartridge with a proposal message to his girlfriend…
The time-traveling Contra-like Super Time Force is looking fun and chaotic as always. Here's a new gameplay trailer that gives a sense of how the looping, time-hopping gunplay will work. "Jean Rambois," indeed.
For some reason, dinosaurs wearing high-fashion hats slide across the screen if you enter the Konami Code on the British Vogue website. Hail Rule Britannia, I guess.
Konami's classic run-and-gunner is hitting iOS next Thursday, but it's not Contra as we know it. This is Contra…
Compared to video game endings on the NES, the Super Nintendo stepped things up a bit. Thanks to the power of…
Video games from the 8-bit and 16-bit era mixed with real life environments look awesome, and it's a technique that…