Let's check out the anime shows to watch this winter
Somewhere in deep space a nameless sun shines on the red planet of Swandah... there are many legends about the cursed caves of the red planet, where ancient monsters and dragons guard the chambers, forbidding the trespassing of mortals. The last trial of bravery is to walk the dark maze and fight the heroes of the underworld.
Let's check out the anime shows to watch this winter
Like a parent showing baby pictures to guests, my Xbox museum is kind of embarrassing
Bandai Namco’s action-RPG features two storylines. Here’s where to start
Every week, Nintendo releases a list of new games coming to the Switch. It is, almost always, a very long list. This…
This week Oddworld: Soulstorm drops on PS5, PS4, and PC. Get ready to “help” your fellow Mudokons. (You’ll probably…
Despite the harrowing circumstances impacting the world, 2020 was a stand-out year for PlayStation.
There have been a lot of harsh, dour video games this fall. Assassin’s Creed Valhalla centered on conquest and…
In the late 90’s, amongst a wave of all-new “Games for Girls”, Barbie appeared on CD-ROM for the first time. I was…
Hello, all you electric love swarms, and welcome to Ask Dr. NerdLove, the only advice column that helps eliminate…
After a few delays, Star Wars Episode I: Racer releases for PS4 and Switch. <Insert podracing joke here.>