We’ve seen video games nail cloth physics, hair physics, and even water physics. Penis physics, though? That’s…
An adult RPG developed by Nampurrow in 1993.
We’ve seen video games nail cloth physics, hair physics, and even water physics. Penis physics, though? That’s…
I whirled around and plugged two perfectly placed shots into an enemy player. I was finally getting the hang of Vive…
It’s easy to sneer at Hollywood’s obsession with sequels and reboots, but eventually, the dice rolls in your…
Hello, Internet! Welcome to Ask Dr. NerdLove, the only dating column that’s authorized under article 15 of the…
It’s a harsh wasteland out there, fellow vault dwellers. Horrors can be found in every corner of the Commonwealth.…
Action figures and tiny vinyl statues are great for taking up work real estate and making employers question…
The first thing you’ll see upon cracking open the box containing Microsoft’s new $150 premium modular Xbox One…
Undertale made me grin until my face hurt. Then it broke my heart. And that was just the prologue.
For such a gorgeous game, it’s weird that there hasn’t been more Destiny stuff available. 3A is making it worth the…