If you’d told me back in 2006 that Monolith Soft would go on to become one of Nintendo’s most talented and…
Card Sharp is a game from Milton Bradley where the user can select to play a game of Poker or Blackjack versus the computer. This game is extremely rare. Now go win the card war!
If you’d told me back in 2006 that Monolith Soft would go on to become one of Nintendo’s most talented and…
In Hades, each Infernal Arm you use to escape from Hell has its own unique abilities. The different weapons—combined…
When discussing Nintendo’s rise as a digital dreamsmith in the ‘80s, game designers like Shigeru Miyamoto and Gunpei…
On this day 25 years ago, the Sony PlayStation released in Japan. A lot of us here at Kotaku have pretty fond…
Fake classic games are everywhere: At the flea market, in your local game store, on eBay, and maybe even mixed in…
Most of my experience with Yu-Gi-Oh, Konami’s long-running collectible card game/cartoon series, comes from video…
Our original review called the Neo Geo Mini arcade-style retro console “cute, but an imperfect nostalgia trip.” The S…
After Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake, the titular character went into retirement—both in the series’ fiction and real…
Valve finally has a new game out. Can you believe it? A card game based on Dota 2, Artifact launched today on Steam.…
Neo Geo, as a brand, has always seemed to be about extravagant, weird ideas. First it was an arcade machine that…