In 1993, before the magical girl anime Sailor Moon was released in the U.S., there was an alternate vision for it.…
Card Sharp is a game from Milton Bradley where the user can select to play a game of Poker or Blackjack versus the computer. This game is extremely rare. Now go win the card war!
In 1993, before the magical girl anime Sailor Moon was released in the U.S., there was an alternate vision for it.…
There is no objective way to measure whether something in a game is fun or not. But in the context of competitive…
On Christmas, like many people all around the world, I spent some quality time with my siblings hunched around a…
Somewhere between the fancier notebooks at your local big box store and high-powered desktop replacements is the…
Epic Games’ Fortnite, out in Early Access, is not one game, but many, all tangled together under one name. It’s a…
If you don’t care about 3D anymore—and even Nintendo’s interest in it seems to be fading—then the New Nintendo 2DS…
Got a pile of old NES carts? Want to play them on your HDMI television? Recently, a number of solutions for that…
The studio is always experimenting with new projects
The first Dragon Quest Heroes was a a satisfying combination of Dragon Quest characters and creatures with Dynasty…
DC introduces a whole new audience to the Justice League in theaters this fall, and we’re begin bombarded by…