Find out if a series touted for it's technical proficiency and high production values can thrive on the Nintendo DS…
Announced as a vehicular combat game in the vein of Twisted Metal, the game was one of a few game at the time cancelled during a massive corporate structuring that found much of the company instead focusing on the original Metroid Prime game.
Find out if a series touted for it's technical proficiency and high production values can thrive on the Nintendo DS…
I sometimes feel like discussions on game piracy ought to be shelved alongside scintillating 1960s publications…
After a string of disappointing titles, Eidos handed development of Lara Croft's Tomb Raider games over to Crystal…
The holiday season is upon us, and PlayStation 3 owners and owner-hopefuls around the world are desperately trying…
Scowly antiheroes and sexy, cleavage-packed molls return in live-action cutscenes for Need for Speed: Undercover,…
Midway is finally ready to give us a solid release date on Wheelman, which means our long struggle for another…
Vehicular violence with a '70s flair roars to Xbox Live Arcade this Wednesday as Vigilante 8: Arcade will (finally!)…
Mike played Bionic Commando a few months back, at a Capcom press event. Said it looked great, but had a few problems.…
Saints Row never held much interest for me. It's a gangster shoot-em-up with all the makings for chaotic online…
The Leipzig Games Convention, the consumer showing of Europe's finest forthcoming video games (read: whatever…