OpinionOpinionWhy Did No One Tell Me About Uncharted 4's Climbing?I am, after extensive research, willing to concede that I might not be the first person to bring the Uncharted…ByJohn WalkerPublishedMay 31, 2021
CultureOdds and EndsCultureOdds and EndsNew Witcher Board Game Hits $3 Million On KickstarterWell would you look at this, a licensed board game shipping with 10,000 plastic miniatures is making millions on…ByLuke PlunkettPublishedMay 27, 2021
CultureCultureThat Time I Accidentally Started A Pandemic In Cities: SkylinesTo all of the people who live in Ariberg, my Cities: Skylines metropolis, I am truly sorry.ByAri NotisPublishedMay 14, 2021
ReviewsMultiplatformReviewsMultiplatformOutriders: The Kotaku ReviewOutriders isn’t what I was expecting. In the lead-up to launch, it looked like one more Destiny-like looter shooter…ByZack ZwiezenPublishedApril 9, 2021
OpinionOpinionGames Like Outriders Really Need Offline ModesEarlier today, I was playing Outriders. I was in the middle of a mission, about to beat a tough enemy, when I was…ByZack ZwiezenPublishedApril 3, 2021
OpinionAsk KotakuOpinionAsk KotakuWhat’s A Game You Like That Doesn’t Get Enough Love?It’s Monday and time for Ask Kotaku, the weekly feature in which Kotaku-ites deliberate on a single burning…ByAlexandra HallPublishedMarch 29, 2021
CultureCultureMedia Molecule Talks Curation And The Future Of DreamsMore than a year out from release, Dreams stands apart for its unique combination of game creator and sharing…ByJack YarwoodPublishedMarch 29, 2021
OpinionOpinionDying Light 2's Developers Are Indulging Toxic GamersAs promised, Polish developer Techland put out a video today updating the world on the state of zombie parkour…ByEthan GachPublishedMarch 17, 2021
OpinionImpressionsOpinionImpressionsDark Alliance Is A Spiritual Successor To Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance In Name OnlyI went into my recent Dark Alliance demo with development studio Tuque Games expecting to briefly relive the grim,…ByEthan GachPublishedMarch 16, 2021
CultureSplitscreenCultureSplitscreenValheim Is Great Because It Doesn't Care About Boring Survival Stuff Like Starving And PoopingSurvival is a term you hear a lot in video games, but what does it actually mean? For some, it’s all about crafting…ByNathan GraysonPublishedMarch 5, 2021