The rumoured sequel of the critically acclaimed Bloodborne.
This year, a lot of things sucked. But a lot of things were also unexpectedly good! Let’s celebrate those latter…
For all its extraordinary visual splendor, Assassin’s Creed Origins is ultimately an ordinary video game. That’s not…
Horror games strike a balance between player control and dread. Getting chased by a murderer with giant scissors or…
Ever since reviews of Shadow of War hit, talk of loot boxes and microtransactions have been heavy with panic and…
Yesterday, my colleague Jason Schreier and I spent 12 hours sitting on my couch and streaming video games. We ate…
Sony just wrapped their E3 2017 press conference, where Insomniac’s Spider-Man almost managed to distract from the…
Beneath the Hotline Miami series’ savagely violent mind-trip lies an acutely intelligent narrative—one that…
Today on Highlight Reel we have perfectly positioned Rocket League goals, very old games, force chokes, brake checks…
Over the decades, there have been so many great action games. But which one do people in Japan like best? This poll…