QUOTE | “Me and my son have an Xbox One, and we wanted to play Battlefield 1 or Titanfall 2, and we didn’t get that…
QUOTE | “Me and my son have an Xbox One, and we wanted to play Battlefield 1 or Titanfall 2, and we didn’t get that…
SMB3’s entire development team consisted of just eleven people: Miyamoto and Tezuka as directors and designers, four…
Playing as Cho’Gall in Heroes of the Storm is one of the most entertaining things I’ve experienced in a MOBA. It’s…
Most games don’t have guidelines for streaming. If they do, it’s usually explicit permission for a streamer to…
Blizzard’s new MOBA Heroes of the Storm is a work of Smash Bros.-style fan fiction that mashes together characters…
Destiny is both refreshingly simple and terrifyingly complicated. It’s mostly about shooting aliens in the head...…
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time speedrunner Cosmo Wright has constructed one of the trickiest stages I’ve…
Last year, before E3, and back when Dambuster Studios was still called Crytek Nottingham and hadn’t been sold to…
As a bonus, this huge-ass shark also happens to be a flying monstrosity armed with a metric crapton of guns. Pretty…
You know the drill: Worlds will live! Worlds will die! Lots of spin-offs! Marvel and DC Comics are pretty much doing…