Overwatch has been out for a couple months now, and the honeymoon period is over. Competitive mode is a divisive…
A text adventure game.
Overwatch has been out for a couple months now, and the honeymoon period is over. Competitive mode is a divisive…
Last week was a whirlwind of newly-announced titles and fresh looks at games we already knew about. Now comes the…
We got some big games this past month, like Dark Souls III, the new Ratchet & Clank, and the Banner Saga sequel, to…
Team Steve and Team Tony don’t face off on the big screen until May 6, but the battle has already begun on my desk,…
Everybody’s Gone To The Rapture tells two complicated, interwoven stories. Both are good. Both can be a bit hard to…
One of the biggest misconceptions about Dark Souls is that it’s only for super-hardcore macho gamers looking to…
The storyline that pits Clark Kent against Bruce Wayne in Batman v Superman isn’t very good, barely held together by…
Boys read comic books. Girls play with dolls. Or at least that’s how it used to be in ancient times. Mattel’s new DC…