There is no elevator pitch for Death Stranding.
Trapped by two beautiful vampires... Is this heaven or hell?
There is no elevator pitch for Death Stranding.
The Witcher 3 is on Nintendo Switch today. I am a person who loves both The Witcher 3 and going places, so you’d…
Meet Lucretia Sand, witch. She’s the Sim I made for The Sims 4’s latest magic-centric expansion. Puns aside, she’s…
It’s not often I replay games, but when my sister asked for something to play together, I suggested The Legend of…
I quite enjoyed Fifty Shades of Grey, in the way anyone enjoys trashy novels: secretly and shamefully, with the kind…
After Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake, the titular character went into retirement—both in the series’ fiction and real…
Hello all you frightening nipplybeasts, and welcome to Ask Dr. NerdLove, the only dating advice column to help you…
I’ve played a few hours of Rage 2, and so far it’s as loud and delightfully dumb as an Andrew WK song. I’m just…
Dwarf Fortress is a brilliant game, but it will make you work to find that out. It’s a game that loves its…
I spent the weekend at PAX East, and while I didn’t play nearly all of the games I wanted to, I got to play quite a…