"Eh, it was a video game," I flippantly told a friend shortly after I got back from a recent Witcher 3: Wild Hunt…
Embark on an epic action-adventure to save the Kingdom of Avantia from ruin. Overcome the dark magic that has corrupted the noble Beasts of the realm. Battle in the mythical world, tackling challenges through stunning landscapes and a plethora of side missions and objectives. Unlock new abilities and upgrades to successfully combat varied opponents. Based on the best-selling fantasy novels, Beast Quest comes to console for the first time ever, with a rich, progressive storyline, vibrant settings, and an excess of compelling challenges.
"Eh, it was a video game," I flippantly told a friend shortly after I got back from a recent Witcher 3: Wild Hunt…
Four months into its existence, Destiny is a better, more frustrating, more expansive—and ultimately, expensive—game…
Sunset Overdrive, the silly new shooter from the creators of Ratchet & Clank, got its first story-based expansion…
Newcomers to Far Cry 4: greetings! I hope you're enjoying your time in Kyrat so far. It's a pretty dangerous place…
Continuing in the Borderlands series' grand tradition of making sly winks at everything from Minecraft to Game…
He's big, mean, and green. Also pretty well-hidden.
Rangers of Gondor! Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor is upon us. The time has come to stand up to Sauron's evil forces.…
"Forsaken by his people, he strode into the wasteland," the narrator intones in the intro to Fallout 2. 16 years…
If you ask a bunch of folks which Star Wars video game is the best, more often than not you'll be told Knights of…
Update 5/28/2014: Monster Monpiece is finally out in North America (Europe gets it next week), and the sentiment in…