For years, No Mutants Allowed, a news site and message board, hung in a happy obscurity. It’s the largest Fallout fan…
Embark on an epic action-adventure to save the Kingdom of Avantia from ruin. Overcome the dark magic that has corrupted the noble Beasts of the realm. Battle in the mythical world, tackling challenges through stunning landscapes and a plethora of side missions and objectives. Unlock new abilities and upgrades to successfully combat varied opponents. Based on the best-selling fantasy novels, Beast Quest comes to console for the first time ever, with a rich, progressive storyline, vibrant settings, and an excess of compelling challenges.
For years, No Mutants Allowed, a news site and message board, hung in a happy obscurity. It’s the largest Fallout fan…
I’ll admit, when I first heard the concept of a game where you fight a boss with a trillion hit points, I expected a…
It used to be easy to earn money in The Witcher 3 by killing cows over and over again. The game’s most recent patch,…
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is a great game filled with small choices. Which kind of sword do you use? Which king or…
Looking back over my last 60 hours with The Witcher 3, I feel a bit like its wandering protagonist: A very…
After our readers so enthusiastically took to the idea of listing the best classic PC games of all time, I wanted to…
I left our own Kirk Hamilton with a challenge when we last discussed one of the greatest games of all time—a game he…
A looming war between demons and angels. A draconic beast poised to destroy the world. A plucky hero and his…