Trust is the goopy bonding agent in the petri dish that is an online gaming team. Toss a bunch of strangers in a Call…
Try to get your work done while being the office slut.
Trust is the goopy bonding agent in the petri dish that is an online gaming team. Toss a bunch of strangers in a Call…
Last week, publisher Perfect World shut down Runic Games, the Seattle-based developer of Torchlight and Hob. To…
Hello all you interweb heartbubbles of desire, and welcome to Ask Dr. NerdLove, the official dating advice column of…
This story didn’t happen to me. Not really. But some nights, it felt like it could have.
PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds is, without a doubt, the breakout hit of the year. It’s sold more than 15 million…
Danganronpa has had a hell of a journey over the past few years, telling stories in the form of visual novels,…
As I struggle to fall asleep after a night of Destiny 2, the game keeps running through my mind. It’s like getting a…
It’s 5:30, and I realize in half an hour I’ll be slammed with customers. Before they all get here I need to unclog…
I’ve written more about Destiny than any other video game I’ve ever played.