This dog is an entrant in a character costume contest being run by the people at BioWare, makers of Mass Effect, Kn…
A text adventure game for the ZX Spectrum.
This dog is an entrant in a character costume contest being run by the people at BioWare, makers of Mass Effect, Kn…
Some people think video games and UAVs are desensitizing us to war. Tell that to James Brabazon, frontline…
You may have seen games from European PC game publisher Excalibur Publishing before, responsible for mundane…
About two weeks ago, someone uploaded a video purporting to show the final inning of a successful perfect game in…
If you've got a pulse and have visited Kotaku before, you probably noticed that the front page looks just a *tad*…
What if the gap between the work we "have to" do and the video games we want to play were smaller? It's happening –…
Morning. The phone rings, I answer. It's Joe, chirping the usual advice. Get dressed and get my gun. I go to the…
Having only been revealed by EA a couple of weeks ago, Playfish's FIFA Superstars game has gone live on Facebook.…
War broke out on my Playstation 3 last night, slowly unfolding like a deadly blossom over the course of seven hours.
At risk of stealing its own thunder, EA Sports confirmed today that its next console golf simulation will feature…