Do not stay away from the light for too long though... something lurks in the shadows...
In Frostpunk, a new snowy city-builder by This War of Mine studio 11 Bit that is out today, the player develops a…
This story didn’t happen to me. Not really. But some nights, it felt like it could have.
A 40-inch ultra HD curved LCD monitor with the ability to display up to four full HD inputs simultaneously, Philips’…
Got a pile of old NES carts? Want to play them on your HDMI television? Recently, a number of solutions for that…
Many ruder-than-scientific words exist for "homosexual"; the faceless internet crams my inbox with them every day.
My current least favorite part of the modern video game is when it tells me to stop having fun for a few minutes so…
A book by two professors of media studies examines the challenges of designing games on the Atari 2600, and posits…