Ultimate Epic Battle Simulator is taking YouTube and Steam by storm, and it’s not hard to see why. It’s a bare bones…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from A different summer
A visual novel about a young man with bad grades and "good attributes", punished for a summer, in a remote place with sexy women who love sex. What can go wrong?
Ultimate Epic Battle Simulator is taking YouTube and Steam by storm, and it’s not hard to see why. It’s a bare bones…
Yesterday, Nintendo unveiled a new co-op mode titled “Salmon Run” for Splatoon 2. On the surface, Salmon Run appears…
This summer, EVE Online players won’t just be exploring virtual galaxies—they’ll be helping to map out the actual…
Hello all you pervert people of the intertubes, and welcome to Ask Dr. NerdLove, the only dating column to moonlight…
Video games often employ lots of cruel tricks in which gamers find themselves in precarious pickles—the gigantic and…
Kitty Horrorshow was the first game maker to tell me she was a witch, and it wasn’t a joke. On the contrary,…
Like many of you, I failed to order a Switch and instead spent the weekend kicking myself because I couldn’t play Leg…
The Nintendo Switch is a fascinating new game console built around a novel and well-executed central idea. It also…
Nintendo says more than 60 indie games will be out for their new console by year’s end. Today, they blasted out a…
For 20 years, Daigo “The Beast” Umehara has been considered a Street Fighter legend. Defeating champions from around…