11 Card Games

11 Card Games

May 30, 2010
Release Date
May 30, 2010 (14 years and 8 months ago)
11 Card Games

Discover Games


It's game night in the house and what is more suitable for a social round than a well-maintained card game? After all, the game variants that make a 32-card stack possible, are almost immeasurable! But what if you feel like a well-groomed game, but neither teammates nor cards are in the house? What if you only have your Nintendo DS available instead? Do not worry, Rondomedia has an incredible solution for this incredible case! "11 card games" is the name of the miracle module, which in its memory not four, not seven, not nine, but an incredible 11 card games houses! What can go wrong in the face of this unexpected magnitude?

Nintendo DS
Release Date
May 30, 2010 (14 years and 8 months ago)
11 Card Games
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