Whenever a new game or demo hits, Japanese gamers love to fire up the character creator and see which celebrities they can reproduce. So when the Dragon's Dogma demo hit, that's exactly what they did.
In the above gallery, you can see an array of celebrities—from real life ones to in-games ones. In some, the resemblance is uncanny. In others, it's not. All of them should put on shirts—save for Kratos. No shirt for him.
So think of this as a test drive of sorts, where the results are only as good as the software and the person using it.
Upcoming role-playing game Dragon's Dogma isn't terrible—and we've been skeptical!
Dragon's Dogma -キャラクターエディット [2ch]
Zangief from Street Fighter
Michael Jackson
Saber from the Fate series (Or Tsukuyo from the Gintama series?!)
Popstar Kaela Kimura
Sephiroth from Final Fantasy VII
Russell Crowe
Steven Seagal
Severus Snape from Harry Potter (Alan Rickman)
Fashion model Lola
Bruce Willis
Kratos from God of War