As Owen Good often reminds us, not every Gaming App of the Day is a good one. For every Bad Piggies, The Room or Bar Story 2 there are a dozen NFL Pro 2013s, and he seems to wind up playing them all.
Oftentimes we'll play gaming apps for our daily spotlight based on our own personal preferences. We'll see something that catches our eyes (like fishhooks) and we'll dive right in. Sometimes, however, we are assigned them, as I kind of did with Owen this week. I mean, he's our sports guy! It's a sports game!
I'm so sorry, Owen.
If it helps, there are at least three picks on this week's list that are spectacular! The Room is one of the best puzzle adventure games I've played in forever, Bad Piggies has those pigs in it, and Kirk's pick has anime people mixing drinks in a bar!
That's what you should do. Go to a bar. Bring your iPhone.
If you have a suggestion for an app for the iPhone, iPad, Android or Windows Phone 7 that you'd like to see highlighted, let us know.
Sometimes A Game About Opening Boxes Is More Fun Than A Game About Shooting, Driving or Jumping
There is a box, and you must open it. The iPad game The Room is as simple as that and is more fun than Christmas morning. More »
Lucky Battle is a Massively Multiplayer Online Fighting Game, Only Without the Fighting
True to its name, no fighting skill is required to rise through the ranks of Nine Waves' colorful anime fighter Lucky Battle - blind chance, diligent weapon upgrading and a bit of backstabbing are the keys to success here. More »
Is Bad Piggies The New Angry Birds? Watch Closely.
Pigs might fly in the new game from the creators of Angry Birds. But only if you build them a helicopter, a plane or whatever you call a crate that's tied to a balloon and propelled by a house fan. More »
A Sexy, Soapy iPhone Game That Also Teaches You To Make Drinks
Bartenders get all the good stories. People often go to bars simply to talk-we need a drink sometimes, to get away from it all, and we hope to find a bartender who will listen long enough to let us get it off our chest. More »
Like the Saints' Bounty System, NFL Pro 2013 is Also a Pay-for-Performance Scandal
Unfortunately, this is not one of those App of the Day writeups where the selection is meritorious and the title is an honor. I'm here to dispense consumer advice about NFL Pro 2013, which provides a lot of enticement given the fact it's free and it has NFL licensing. My advice is to walk around NFL Pro 2013 like it was a swamp. More »