I'm obsessed with shoes that have anything to do with video games. Luckily, people on the Internet are too, so it's not hard to find a fabulous pair with a quick Google search and a sharp eye for detail.
There's a lot to choose from when it comes to gamer-created gamer apparel, of course. Also people are coming up with new stuff all the time. But I've picked out five pairs of shoes that I've found in the last year which I'd seriously considering buying if I weren't a starving journalist. Check 'em out and by all means point me to your favorites, if you've got a link.
Princess Peach Trainers
Created By: Daniel Reese (a.k.a. BRASS MONKI)
Shoe Type: Nike Trainers
Theme: Super Paper Mario
Spotted On: BRASS MONKI's blog
Total Cost: £135/$230
These fancy kicks were mocked up by Daniel Reese by my request after I got in touch with him over pricing on the Moogle shoes. Even if it's just a Photoshop job of what the shoes would look like, I think the design is spiffy, I love the color pink and I find that there's not nearly enough in the way of Princess Peach-related shoes to buy these days.
NES Controller Keds (Classic)*
Created By: Danielle (a.k.a. Cole530)
Shoe Type: Keds slip-ons
Theme: Nintendo hardware
Spotted On: Zazzle
Total Cost: $74.50
*Not pictured per Zazzle's site policy.
I remember decorating Keds in summer camp when I was a kid with fabric glue and glitter, but my childish creations are nothing compared to these kicks. I like the design because it's subtle and the colors will go with most of my wardrobe. Unfortunately, I find Keds slip-ons to be beastly uncomfortable until you beat them into submission — and that would probably damage the paint.
NES Controller Keds (Hipster)
Created By: Rachelle Williams (a.k.a. ParadoxArtistry)
Shoe Type: LA Gear Slip-ons
Theme: Nintendo hardware
Spotted On: Etsy
Total Cost: $85
I've never worn LA Gear brand slip-ons, so I'll just have to trust the artist's claim that these shoes are comfortable. Other than that, I like how vibrant that red acrylic looks — even if it is too loud to get away with wearing to an office job. Also, I'm not sure how I feel about the cord spelling out N-E-S on the back of the right shoe. My preference with gamer clothing of any kind is subtlety that separates gamers from posers. In other words, if you have to ask me what's on my shoes, you clearly aren't cool enough to hang out with me.
Ms. Pac-Man Mary Janes
Created By: Lindsay (a.k.a. emandsprout)
Shoe Type: Rubber-soled Mary Janes
Theme: Ms. Pac-Man
Spotted On: Etsy
Total Cost: $28
It's not hard to find ladies sizes of shoes, but I rarely run across actual ladies shoes (heels, slingbacks, etc.) in my quest for gamer clothing. These classic Mary Jane slip-ons are decorated with what looks like felt pieces and tiny accessories, so I'd be a little worried about ruining them after only three wearings. But still, it's Ms. Pac-Man and it's comparatively cheap.
Unofficial Kotaku Shoes
Created By: Adidas
Shoe Type: Trainers
Theme: Kotaku
Spotted In: Nordstrom's in Albuquerque, New Mexico
Total Cost: Can't quite remember what it cost in the store, but similar shoes on Adidas' site go for $90
I spotted these while Hanukkah shopping with my dad earlier this year and almost bought them just because they had the Kotaku color scheme. Sadly, though, they only had mens sizes too big for my little feet. Also, while I could claim I had Kotaku shoes, they're not really Kotaku-themed enough to speak for themselves. Still cool, though.
These five pairs are but a few examples of awesome gamer shoes to be found on the Internet. For further reading, go check out some of the other shoes we've spotted over the years.