Snake’s remote-controlled missiles are some of Smash Bros.’ most entertaining projectiles, and one player recently decided to make a Smash Bros. Ultimate stage that focuses entirely on guiding them through tiny labyrinths of death.
Created by user xzAsiankidzx and shared on the game’s subreddit over the weekend, the stage is named Nikita Weave War, and it basically functions like those dunk tank games at county fairs. Two players face one another from across a chasm divided by lava platforms, each sitting above a bomb crate. They then take turns firing off missiles with Snake’s Nikita launcher to try and detonate their opponent’s crate. If they succeed, their opponent goes flying off the stage in the explosion and loses one of their lives. Whoever’s left standing at the end wins.
To deal with the problem of players respawning in the center of the stage, xzAsiankidzx created a little network of barrels to shoot players back to their starting positions. And to make things extra difficult, some of the lava platforms move. What makes the mini-game possible at all is the fact that Snake can control his missiles after they’re shot. It’s hardly precise, but the controls are responsive enough to make the attack one of the more fun ways to troll opponents.
As one commenter pointed out, you could also play Nikita Weave War with both players taking turns at the same time. This way they could also try to play defense and intercept their opponent’s missile to make it even more difficult. You can find the stage and try it for yourself using the ID code KQGXLMTW.