Strategy guide maker Prima Guides told visitors to their website that the error-riddled strategy guide for Mortal Kombat likely won't be seeing a second printing to correct the mistakes.
"Economics makes a second printing unlikely, unfortunately," a spokesperson wrote in response to fan's displeasure with the new guide.
Prima will printing corrected character quick reference cards to "dissatisfied customers," according to the site.
"The cards will be complete with all moves, Fatalities and Babalities, and free to anyone who bought the Official Guide or the Kollector's Edition Guide. To receive your copy of the cards, please send your name, address, and e-mail to"
The Prima Games team wrote that the inaccuracies in the printed guide, which includes conflicting information within the guide, missing damage information and bad directional control information, were the result of "rapidly fluctuating builds and last minute changes to the final guide".
Mortal Kombat Character Quick Reference Card Reprints and Mortal Kombat Updates [Prima Guides (Thanks, Darius)]