Good Smile Company’s Nendoroid action figure of Ellie from The Last of Us Part 2 sure is cute when she’s angry, and she’s almost always angry.
Good Smile Company’s Nendoroid Ellie, available for preorder through August with a release date of November, does not have a good smile. The company’s first-ever figure from The Last of Us series only comes with two faces, and neither is particularly pleased to be here. There’s the yelling face, and then there’s what I like to call resting dog-murderer face.

I get it. Ellie doesn’t have a lot to smile about in The Last of Us Part 2. She does, however, have many things to kill, which is why she comes with a gun, a bow and arrow, that iconic brick, and a machete.

Ellie and her arsenal run about $50, the standard price for Good Smile Company’s basic Nendoroid figures. Not too expensive, but for the full effect may I recommend an additional Nendoroid figure.

Different game series, I know, but I’ve got a feeling these two will get along famously.