Odyssey, a large expansion for space exploration simulator Elite Dangerous, launched last week as a buggy mess. This led to a lot of fan backlash and negative Steam reviews. In response to these issues, developer Frontier Developments’ CEO apologized for the terrible launch.
Elite Dangerous: Odyssey launched on May 19 on PC. In the days that followed, players reported numerous bugs, crashes, and performance issues. The game’s reception on Steam was terrible, leading to a “Mostly Negative” review status on the DLC’s store page. As of this writing, it has over 3,400 negative reviews on Steam. Frontier has released two minor patches for the game, but these still haven’t fixed many of the issues players are encountering.
Frontier’s CEO David Braben issued an apology via a statement posted on Frontier’s forums on Friday. In the statement, he explained that the studio is aware of the server outages, bugs, and performance issues and is working to fix these problems.
“First and foremost, I would like to apologize wholeheartedly to those who have been suffering from these problems,” wrote Braben. “ I would like to reassure you that we take these issues very seriously and that they are our top priority and focus.”
Elite Dangerous: Odyssey is the newest and biggest expansion for the space exploration game, letting players leave their ships and explore the world on foot via a first-person perspective. Launched back in 2014, Elite Dangerous has continued to receive regular support and updates from Frontier, so it seems likely that Odyssey will improve.
But for folks who forked over $40 for this new DLC, it’s a frustrating situation.