If there’s one universal truth about the original Mass Effect, it’s that the Mako is the worst. Or the best? I don’t know, I’ve never played the first Mass Effect, so I will think whatever you want me to think—which puts me in lockstep with developer BioWare. In the upcoming remaster, you’ll be able to switch between old and new control schemes for the beloved/lambasted interstellar SUV, BioWare staffers told PC Gamer.
Out next week for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC, Mass Effect Legendary Edition, packages the first three games of BioWare’s bonk-fest series as one game. Each entry will receive technical enhancements, like 4K graphics and boosted load times. The trilogy will also feature some notable gameplay tweaks, including smoother shooting, a unified character creator across all three games, and, yes, an updated control scheme for the Mako, the much-memed vehicle from Mass Effect.
The Mako, for those who don’t know, was characterized by slippery controls and a physics ruleset untethered from all known rules of the universe. To set things on the right road, Legendary Edition will give the Mako a speed boost, modernized physics, and improved camera angles. But the change is apparently just a setting, so you’ll be able to swap back and forth at will.
“We’ve left the option to leave it back kind of closer to the original controls as well if you want,” BioWare’s Kevin Meek told PC Gamer. “For those people out there who do like pain.”
Some players hated the original, and should be happy with the ostensible improvement. Others? Well... As our own Ash Parrish wrote when the changes were first announced, “Yes, the controls suck, but that’s what makes it fun. The Mako is good. The Mako is fun. The Mako is an unwieldy, piece-of-shit tank that can somehow ascend a 90-degree slope, and I LOVE IT.”
With BioWare including both the original and improved Mako controls, players will get the best (or worst?) of both worlds. (Exhibit B: Alongside the ballyhooed graphical improvements, BioWare developers left the infamous “What’d you say?” glitch untouched. “If you know how to find it,” they say.) Personally, I’m just glad I’ll be able to see if the Mako is as bad or good or weird or whatever as people have made it out to be.