To: Ash
From: Totilo
Re: What Are Your Plans For The Weekend?
Ash wanted to know what my weekend plans are. Why, to follow Kotaku reader's Civ V orders, of course. Other things may occur as well: An attempt at another sub-27-minute four-mile treadmill run. A dinner with my brother before he ends his visit to New York. Some more Lego Harry Pottering on my 360.
I'll probably do some work on Sunday. Laundry. House could use a vacuuming.
Water the plants? Yeah, maybe water the plants.
Three breakfasts, three lunches, three dinners. Read into a stack of comics that's on my nightstand. Finally finish the This American Lifes on my iPod so I can do all my remaining podcast-listening on my iPhone.
Also: try not to think too much about the parasite I learned about today, the one that swims into a snapper fish's mouth, eats its tongue, turns itself around and then acts as the snapper's tongue — a tongue with eyes! Yes, I will spend part of my weekend trying to not think about that. (Warning: this parasite may gross you out.)
Take a few showers. Read comments from people who hate Tim Rogers columns. Order my fellow New Yorkers to be nice to the visiting Crecentes.
Not watch the Lost epilogue.
Probably some other stuff too.
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