Season of Plunder is off to a fun but rocky start, and there’s no better example of that then Destiny 2's heavy grenade launchers. Almost all of them have been temporarily disabled just a day into the new update after a glitch was discovered that was making them output more than double their normal damage. The move comes just ahead of the community race for the returning King’s Fall raid on Friday.
Destiny players like Aztecross and others started to notice the glitch soon after Season 18 went live. Grenade launchers were buffed in the latest patch, but some were doing way more damage then the 10 percent that was promised. The Exotic heavy grenade launcher Anarchy and a few others were instead doing 150 percent or more. As a result, some of the game’s weakest legendary weapons suddenly became among its strongest.
Here’s Aztecross’ video breaking it down:
I’ll be honest, I had a lot of fun messing around with my Tarnation with chain reaction during Ketchcrash runs for exactly this reason. Guns I wouldn’t normally touch were suddenly bringing down yellow bars in a single shot. It felt...nice. But it also was never going to last. The massive damage glitch would have obviously thrown a wrench in the King’s Fall raid race scheduled for Friday, so in order to prevent that Bungie has instead disabled almost every heavy grenade launcher in the game until the next hotfix.
It’s a pretty drastic measure and while understandable it still kind of sucks. Normally, a single weapon or piece of gear might be disabled if something’s not working as intended. That’s what Bungie did yesterday with the Icefall Mantle Exotic Titan gauntlets. One player discovered shortly after Season 18 went live that they could combine it with Titans’ new Arc 3.0 thruster dash to initiate an infinite super glitch. Not surprisingly, Bungie took it offline. Now, however, it’s an entire weapon archetype that’s being put in time out. Hopefully not for too long.
It’s far from the only glitch so far this season. There have also been a number of issues around new activities properly recording progress and awarding currency. In those cases, Bungie is recommending players wait until the timer returns them to orbit before leaving and activity. In addition, if you won’t earn new map fragments if there isn’t room in your inventory. Rather than go to the postmaster they’ll never appear in the first place. I learned that one the hard way.
If you want to experience these triumphs and travails for yourself, Destiny 2 and all of its expansions are currently free for the next week on PC and console.