Bungie’s loot-shooter Destiny 2 will grow once more come February 28, the day its anticipated new Lightfall expansion is slated to launch. But with the “Deluxe” edition launching at the heady price of $100, one naturally wonders if any of the bundled rewards can justify the price.
This new infusion of content follows the well-received Witch Queen, whose $80 Deluxe Edition, which included the expansion and its season pass, garnered very positive reviews. Fans, myself included, are expecting good things. However, Lightfall’s also seen a price bump, with the basic expansion selling for $50 and the Deluxe Edition expansion + season pass combo asking $100. (There’s also a physical Collector’s Edition for an eye-watering $250, that includes a LED-lit Pouka figure, among other luxuries.) But I don’t need any of that; my gaze has fallen squarely onto the Deluxe Edition.
I’m tempted, you see, because of a specific gun you get if you pre-order the Deluxe Edition: Quicksilver Storm. An exotic auto rifle, fans quickly noticed that it’s the most exciting Destiny 2 exotic in a long time. The only pressing matter is whether or not the fun justifies the funds.
It’s a very cool gun. For every two rocket shots that hit, a grenade also spawns in the weapon’s alternate fire mode, totaling three separate streams of ammunition all from a weapon that takes primary ammo. The damage? Very high. This auto rifle also pairs very nicely with Actium War Rig, a Titan-exclusive exotic which lets you passively refill your weapons ammo from reserves, making your magazine last longer before having to reload.
Now the case against. First and foremost, the Quicksilver Storm has already been disabled by Bungie once in the past due to an exploit that let it circumvent team-wipe mechanics in certain raids and dungeons. That is now resolved and the weapon is back. Further, Bungie has not made any mention of plans to nerf or otherwise hinder the weapon’s performance in the future.
That said, players all too familiar with the history of Destiny 2 balancing might feel cautious about embracing an exotic that’s seemingly too good to be true before even the initial post-release patch has landed, and for good reason. In the past, Bungie’s been known to release new exotic weapons or armors that are seen to be either game breaking or that dominate either in PvE or PvP; it lets this ride for two or so patches and then either balances the once-OP exotics into mediocrity or, in worst case scenarios, nerfs them to pointlessness. (As a Warlock, I can’t seem to forget a particularly crushing Skull of Dire Ahamkara nerf.) The question then needs to be asked, is $99.99 really a justifiable price point for an expansion, annual pass, and an exotic that has already endured hotfix purgatory?

Quicksilver Storm has opened a lot of doors to new builds, especially when coupled with the new Arc 3.0 subclass and specifically Actium War Rig Titans. While it has already gone through being temporarily disabled before its official release, Bungie has rarely left items in that state for long periods of time. And personally, I have always been one to spring for annual pass purchases, as I find it saves me money in the long run when seasonal content is released throughout each expansion. The Deluxe Edition’s right for me. However, for folks who already intended to buy the $50 Lightfall expansion but were on the fence over spending the extra money for the annual pass, it’s worth noting that Quicksilver Storm will become available to all Lightfall players when the expansion’s first season commences in February.
Still, I think that this exotic’s fun factor and impressive capabilities—should you gain access to it now—are convincing arguments when coupled with the extra rewards that are typically unlocked through an annual pass. The price of entry is steep, but if you can spare the money and would like to fully embrace the dream of firing rockets, grenades, and primary ammo all from the same auto rifle—and right now, with no waiting—then you might just want to go for it. Quicksilver Storm is a fun exotic that has potential to expand your experience both in this Season of Plunder, and for those to come in Lightfall.