Hello friendly Kotaku readers, and welcome to Thursday's open thread. I hope you've been having a good week! It's been a fun one here at Kotaku, and nice to see so many people in the gaming world making humorous typos.
Here, gathered for your reading enjoyment, are some things from the internet.
- This Fox News/They Live picture cracked me up - "Man Runs All Out Of Bubble Gum."
- Male fantasty author does female poses from the covers of his books - Funny, and makes a good point.
- The 10 Most Racist Moments of the GOP Primary (So Far) - Heh. Also, *sob*.
- My friend Laura's brother made this video called "Squeeze." - The music is video gamey! Also, it is weird and gross! But kinda funny!
- Reddit's got a cool AMA with the guy who made Game of Thrones's awesome opening credits sequence - My first question: Can I put that whole thing in my living room?
- "10 Shows that would be much better if they killed off a major character" - Some of these are great, some of these are just very funny.
- Shit San Franciscans Say - I'm as sick of these as anyone, but I'm from San Francisco and these were cute.
- Creed Shreds. The best one of all. Ever. - Speaking of old things that everyone got sick of, I revisited this and laughed and laughed and laughed.
- Muse's very awesome video for "Knights of Cydonia" - I did not like this song, or the second half of this album. But this video is actually very cool. I'd never seen it.
So there's that. Have good chatting!