It’s no secret that Cyberpunk 2077 is plagued by a raft of technical issues, particularly on the Xbox One and PlayStation 4. Today, CD Projekt Red released another hotfix for the troubled game, aiming to address some of those issues, including the seemingly arbitrary filesize limit placed on PC save files.
As Kotaku Australia reported, PC players could see their save data corrupted if the save file grew beyond 8MB. The endless quest for cash proved a major factor in hitting that ceiling. Crafting and disassembling in-game items seems to cause Cyberpunk save files to swell in the process, and if they hit that 8MB limit, game over. Today’s 1.06 hotfix claims it will prevent this from arising in the future on PC, but won’t salvage any saves that have already been corrupted.
Console players—those who’ve experienced the worst of Cyberpunk’s woes—should also get a little relief. Today’s patch “improves memory management and stability,” and should hopefully “result in fewer crashes.” CD Projekt Red did not name any specific crashes, but the patch is quite large. The Xbox version, for instance, clocks in at 15.3GB.
It’s certainly been a whitewater-rapid two weeks for Cyberpunk 2077. On December 14, CDPR apologized for the game’s subpar state on previous-gen consoles and offered refunds for the game, directing players to Sony and Microsoft’s digital marketplaces. Securing such a refund, however, was a different matter, with Sony outright refusing to issue any and Microsoft playing by inconsistent rules. Late last week, Sony reversed course and pulled the game from the PlayStation Store, offering players full refunds for the game. (My own refund took four days to go through.) Microsoft followed suit. GameStop, too, bucking the retailer’s long-standing policy of denying refunds to any player trying to return an opened game.
In the short-to-medium term, CDPR promises “two large patches” are coming to the game, one in January and another in February. Despite it all, the game is reportedly a runaway financial success. CDPR estimates Cyberpunk 2077 has sold 13 million copies, a figure that may or may not account for all of the refunds that have been issued.