Playing The Sims can be a huge time sink—if you’re at all particular about building houses or the way your Sims…
With games like Guilty Gear Xrd and Dragon Ball FighterZ, Arc System Works has managed to basically make playable…
Lately, I’ve been going back and enjoying some games in the Phoenix Wright series, which I personally like to call Pe…
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice is a fun game with excellent combat and an infamous difficulty curve, so it stands to…
Accusations of sexual predation are rocking the Pokémon YouTube community after 12 alleged victims made public…
In Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, there is a metal umbrella that can protect against attacks. Inventor Colin Furze…
In one of Syrmor Sherazee’s best videos, he asks a long-legged bird about what it was like to be homeless.
For the sake of making their games more realistic, video game developers have done extensive research on all sorts…
Jack Black finally did an actual Let’s Play on his “gaming”-free YouTube gaming channel. The game? Brutal Legend, known for its excellent heavy metal soundtrack and—oh yeah—a main character played by Jack Black. Black’s play session is brief, but entertaining. Also confusing, because which one is the real Jack Black???
Despite an avalanche of over-the-line jokes and gaffes that cost him deals and a show, as well as an ever-changing…