Hello, Kotaku! Welcome to our Thursday night open thread.
Are you as excited as I am for the second season of Game of Thrones? Probably. I hope so, anyway.
Here, from around the internet, are some fun things to read and check out and talk about. Some Game of Thrones links may or may not have made their way into the round-up.
- RIP, Adrienne Rich - You were pretty much a huge badass.
- Lena Headey does not look much like Cersei Lannister! - Woah. She also seems like a cool lady.
- Canada Kills the Penny - No, not a person named Penny. The unit of currency.
- This may be the real epic sax guy - Man. He's so good at sax he makes a tenor sound like an alto. (Thanks for the flashback, Jessica.)
- Don't forget about "Inn at the Crossroads" for your Game of Thrones cuisine needs - "In the game of food, you win or you wash the dishes." Heh.
- I am freakin stoked about the next season of Game of Thrones - And so, I'm guessing, are you!
- "Let's be friends again" nails it in this sad strip. - Man.
- I've linked this before. Here it is again. Tyrion Lannister for president - I swear I hope they work in a way for him to slap Joffrey again in the second season. Forget the books. Make it happen, guys.
And that's that. Have good chatting!