Only a tiny fraction of the overall Cyberpunk 2077 sales resulted in refunds, CFO Piotr Nielubowicz told investors during an earnings call earlier today. Out of the 13.7 million copies sold, the Polish developer apparently issued just 30,000 refunds.
As for the monetary impact, the “Help Me Refund” program CD Projekt set up to handle requests from customers dissatisfied with Cyberpunk 2077 only cost the company approximately $2.17 million, a drop in the bucket compared to the over $560 million CD Projekt took in as 2020 revenue. Over 95% of these refunds have already been processed.
“The last single-digit percent below 5% is probably the most difficult part,” Nielubowicz added. “Please take into consideration that we are refunding people all over the world and working with different banking systems. It’s not an easy task.”
After several delays, Cyberpunk 2077 finally launched on December 10, 2020. However, the game was an overwhelming disappointment, not only in terms of its limited scope compared to pre-launch marketing but also its rampant bugs and performance issues on last-generation consoles. CD Projekt has spent the last few months releasing patches to alleviate the technical hiccups, but the game remains a black eye for a company that had previously built up so much goodwill with The Witcher.
It should be noted that these refund numbers don’t appear to take into account Cyberpunk 2077 refunds processed by Sony and Microsoft. Both companies separately offered money back for purchases made on their respective platforms, with Sony even going as far as to remove the game from the PlayStation Store just a week after its release, a decision that’s yet to be reversed.
While the low reimbursement rate is surprising, some have pointed out that the hoops players needed to jump through to receive a refund from CD Projekt may have discouraged some players from making an attempt. In any case, the company is still looking forward to the game’s release on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S later this year, with additional plans to develop expansions and possibly even a multiplayer component down the line as well.